Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Second Dialogue and Felucca

I found our second dialogue at the fulbright building to go a lot smoother than the first. Everyone was a lot more comfortable with each other, especially since some of us had hung out with people like we had with Lyna, Ziko, and Omar. My group couldn't really get organized enough to discuss one topic, everyone kind of formed groups to talk about things and the moderator didn't stop us but I think it still went well. The dinner on the roof was good and we spent most of the time up there deciding what we were going to do after. We all settled on going on a felucca ride! YAY! I seriously love felucca rides, they are perfection when it comes to experiencing and reflecting on Cairo. So we squished into a couple cars and headed over to the side of the Nile to catch a ride. There was music and dancing and it seemed like everyone had a really great time. Tons of pictures taken, then after we went to Maadi for food and ended up at flamenco sometime in the early morning hours.

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